Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Celebration for All Times

Just watch that for a few minutes. I caught wind of that this week and was completely awestruck. Sure there are no animals being slaughtered, blood being splattered, etc. but there are tons of fires being lit. This is a fireworks show unlike anything I had ever seen, which prompted my wife to say, "Next year we are going to London for New Years' Day." Yet, there was something even more powerful that I experienced on Sunday.

An aside: pastors are constantly consumed on Sunday mornings with everything from the liturgy to their sermons to what people are thinking or hearing and even piles more. It is enough to most times block out any sort of celebration related to worshiping God.

Last Sunday, I was able to worship with my entire family for the first time in I can't even remember, and just moments into the readings, Grace came up and sat on my lap and I almost started bawling as I heard the words spoken from Paul's letter to the Romans that nothing could separate us from Christ Jesus. Sunday was a time of celebration that I had been looking forward to since Caleb's birthdate. With the Bishop thankful for the opportunity to preside over a baptism, I had the chance to be moved in an even more powerful way than by flaming particles.

Our worship offers the chance to experience God's love like this always, but do we miss it for other thoughts and obligations? What do you most look forward to during our celebration on Sundays? What could you not do without?

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