Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Zoo

Today's Reading: 2 Chronicles 8-11, Psalm 99

In a short list, a number of extravagant gifts are listed: gold, silver, ivory, and then something that caught my attention: apes and peacocks. The first three are obviously still treasures and gifts today, but at least as far as my preferences go, if someone shows up with a peacock I am going to have a few questions; not least of which is why do you just have peacocks around that you can give away?

But just look at the bird, it is majestic, it is a treasure. If I did have one of those strutting around my yard, you better believe it would be the topic of conversation for miles around. But since life is not just about me, lets look at this another way.

There are still those things which we know of as great gifts, and if you aren't sure what those are, flip on a television around any major holiday. Alas gold will tarnish, peacocks will die, and all will fade. Gifts that endure, however, are not usually glamorous but involve the simple act of helping someone in a wheelchair get through the door, or actually meaning it and paying attention when you ask someone if they are feeling ok, or noticing that someone did not act quite like themselves and writing them a quick note. These gifts we do not offer because they make people turn their heads, we offer them because we are the light of the world, it's in our DNA. Today, may you find a way to offer those humble gifts which God gave first to you to those you come in contact with.

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