Monday, March 7, 2011

Wandering from the Path

From flickRiver user Mattijn
   The history of Israel bounces back and forth between trusting in the Lord, and trusting in other gods, or Baals. It is never in the times of despair that the people find themselves wandering, but in the times of plenty. Today, we read that it comes after the restoration of God's house, and after the prophet dies. Just so we know, prophets are those people who are charged with speaking the messages of God.

   Great times tend to make us lean on those things that deliver blessings to us, a prime example being money, which is referenced often in the Bible. We begin to trust in those things that are not God as if they are. This week we begin the season of Lent, and it might be helpful to think of each day in Lent as a retelling of the story that makes us humble, and causes us to return with shuffling feet to the source of life.

   Hear again the story of Jesus this day and be drawn back to the world being created.

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